Diving Center Turtle Beach


Diving Center Turtle Beach will be once again in BOOT Düsseldorf 2025 Exhibition from 18-26/01.
Hall 12
Stand H68

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Schnorchel Tauchshop
Sessendrupweg 49
48161 Münster 
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Our first divespot just 15 minutes apart from the harbour to our mooring line. A nice and beautiful reef formation for all educational levels. The boat parks in a shallow bay, also nice for snorkelers. A beautiful wall, a rocky slope with lots of small holes for octopus-spotting, and a steep drop-off with good chance to to see spiny lobsters and Spanish lobsters as well as big groupers are just a few highlights. At the same place there is also a formation we call the waveshaped rock with lots of small coral and scorpion-fishes. Also beautifull nudibranches like the elegant dorit are regularly seen here.

Four Caves

Just a 15 minute drive from the harbour. The name of the spot says it all. 4 beautiful caverns, one next to the other, easy to explore in one dive. The spot is fine for every experience level and is in general a shallow dive. All four caverns are entered at a depth of about 7 meters, the longest goes into the dark for about 35 meters with the possibility to ascent inside to see the bats on the roof. There is also a good chance to see the big monk seal Monachus Monachus in one of the four caverns.


About 20 minutes drive to the parking position. A single rock breaking the surface like a Pinacle, under the surface with lots of holes, canyons , cracks and gaps.This spot might be fine for everybody, because of the depth from 10 meters to 30 plus if there is no current. The dive just circles the rock clockwise from shallow to deep and back to shallow. The reefs better name would be Moray eel-reef, because there are usually lots here, but also single barracudas are seen here. The shallow passage between the rock and the main coast is home of the tiny nudibranches called violet aeolit or better known as flabelina. In the deeper parts you will see also big groupers.


A beautiful place for a relaxed afternoon-trip, just 20 minutes from the harbour to our mooring-line. The boat parks in shallow water, just 6 meters under the boat, with bizar rock formations like in the Caribbean sea. Single rocks with huge sandy patches between and lots of aquatic creatures around. This is also the place to find some antik things like amphoras. Max. depth here is just 23 meters, there is also a beautiful wall and….the main attraction, a sunken motorbike standing upright in the sand, good for funny picturs, but also frequently occupied by a big scorpion-fish. Many times we see here the amazing tritons horn, one of the biggest mediteranian shells. The spot is famous for its big schools of goldlines.


About 20 minutes from the harbour another beautiful spot suitable for beginners as well as the experienced divers. Our anchoring-position is close to the shore with about 10 meters water under the boat. The dive follows a rocky slope to our right hand shoulder with the opportunity to vary in depth. After about 15 minutes we turn and follow a nice wall to our left, dive past our parking position and stroll along this beautiful wall until we find a tiny but very beautiful cave with a big entrance and the possibility to exit through a narrow crack in the wall. There is a good chance to see Spanish lobsters, spiny lobsters and….of course some octopus.


A single rock breaking the surface, shaped like an elephants head. Circelling the rock anti-clockwise leads the divers to a steep wall from 12 meters to 30 plus. At a depth of 30 meters there are still parts of an old fishing-net, home of lots of peacock worms. There are usually also dark-pointed dorits around, the beautiful nudibranches better known as cowshells. On the way around the rock there are many swim-throughs with good chance to spot Spanish lobsters.


The place with the famous arc. A spot suiting every educational level and experience. The boat parks on a mooring-line close to the shore at a depths of 6 meters. Towards the open sea big steps on different depthlines lead down into the blue. There is one at 10 meters, one at 15 meters and another one at 24 meters. They all lead in half a circle to the main attraction of the spot, the arc. The arches top is 12 meters under the surface and is a breathtaking part of the spot. The arches area is a very sensitive part with lots of small corals, thousands of different colors and creatures, so everybody who visits the arc is asked to be very careful with the fins, not to destroy in seconds what nature created over many many years.

There is also a very big and beautiful cavern on the same place and visited either at the same dive or in an extra dive. The cavern is open on top, big like a cathedral, 3-4 divers can dive aside, and fine for everybody, actually it is a swim-through because it has an entrance at 13 meters and an exit at 7 meters. Many different kinds of nudibranches, Spanish lobsters, spiny lobsters, big groupers, moray eels and big schools of sea breams and goldlines you see in almost every dive here, and……this is the place where we see the seal monachus monachus frequently, usually in the big cavern.

Keri Caves

About 25 minuts from the harbour to our mooring-line, and we are at the famous Keri Cave, also known as the Blue Cave. Actually there are two cavern diveable at the same place, but the main attraction is the big blue cave, a 75 meters cavern, open on top all the way, starting at a depth of 12 meters and ending at 5 meters at the turning-point far in. Its big like a cathedral, so 3-4 divers can dive aside inside. Apart from the entrance the cavern is completely dark, so a good torch is a must for every diver visiting the cavern. There are many things to explore inside and if you are lucky the big monk-seal monachus monachus is inside to eat shrimps or sleeping. Switch off your light after you turned and dive back towards the entrance, then you know why its called the Blue cave.

There is a very beautiful second cavern at the same place and you will find it exiting the big cave and follow the wall to your right. At a depth of 12 meters you find a small arc, pass through and here you are. The second caverns entrance is the gap to your right hand shoulder. The chamber itself is spacious and its specialty is sulphur on top of the saltwater building a layer of milky soup about 1 meter thick with visibility turning to zero if you pass through, but if you keep your nose close to the bottom the water will be crystal-clear. But it can be worth surfacing the cavern and breaking through the milky soup, because usually the roof of the cavern is home of hundreds of bats.

Keri Caves II

It is simply the other side of the bay, opposite the big Keri (Blue) cave. The main attraction is a huge gap in a wall that goes inside for about 35 meters, open at the top all the way. It narrows towards the end and it offers an amazing view if you look up towards the sky along the straight walls left and right. There is also a beautiful and steep wall to explore. One of the best spots for friends of nudibranchs.


Alati is a spot for divers who like to dive steep walls. The boat parks on a small plateau and the dive simply circles the plateau, starting at a depths of 18 meters. Depending on the current the dive starts clockwise or anti-clockwise along the plateau. There is a small canyon with a good chance to see Spanish lobsters and the nice nudibranch called dark-pointed dorid. If you like to see the really big groupers, this is your place. Right under the boat there is a huge patch with white sand and stones, the ideal area to check out for octopus. For less experienced divers there is also and excellent possibility to do an unforgettable dive with many swim-throughs, lots of coral and aquatic live just next to the deep plateau at the same spot.

Poseidon Cave

A very special experience to dive this place. It’s a bit deeper here, already 18 meters under the boat . The Cavern itself has two chambers, one upon the next. The lower chamber has its entrance at 22 meters. Once you are in here you find two chimneys, one left and one right and both lead straight up into the upper chamber. Don´t worry, both chimneys give enough space for 2-3 divers ascenting into the upper chamber at the same time. Inside you will find many diffent things of interest like shrimps, Crabs, lobsters and Tube Anemones. You will need a torch to explore the caverns beauty. One main attraction of Poseidon cave is, that the rock dividing both chambers, is porous and the exhaled air from the divers in the lower chamber passes through the rock and goes up to surface building a vail of millions of small air-bubbles. Spectacular!!

Cave Tunnel

Just about good half an our apart from the harbour, one of the best divespots in the whole mediteranian sea. A spot excellent for everybody, experienced or beginner. Main attraction is a huge cavern with a partly closed part, a full cave. The cavern part, good to dive for everybody, is about 35 meters long, big like a cathetrale. 3 divers can dive aside easily, just 8-10 meters deep.After 35 meters the full-cave-part starts, just diveable for experienced divers who are used to dive in an overhead environment. The cave-part leads into an amazing beautiful cave with many corners and holes. You will see crabs, lobsters, Spanish lobsters and….many times…..the seal monachus monachus. Through the cave its possible to exit to the other side of the mountain. The exit itself is the attraction looking like a huge butterfly, that’s why its also called the butterfly-cave.


The farest spot we visit, about 40 minutes apart from the harbour. Two tunnels passing through the mountain at a length of good 30 meters and a huge cavern are the highlights of the spot. Both tunnels give enough space to dive with two divers aside, the second tunnel contains parts where one has to dive behind the next. They are dark, so take a torch to explore. You will hear the sound of cannonball-fire when you pass through, because inside air will be compressed by the swell of the sea moving in from two sides and create this scary noise and shake your body. The seal monachus monachus is also seen here many times. The cavern is huge and has many corners to explore. Its a very shallow area with a max. depth of 12 meters, so good for everybody.


Just 15 minutes and we reach our mooring-line on the backside of turtle-island. Shallow water and very bizar rockformations sign this spot. There is a huge single rock breaking the surface off the islands shore , and that’s the main divespot. We simply circle anti-clockwise around the rock and return into the small bay where the boat parks. Nudibranches, triton-shells and octopus you could usually find right in the area under the boat. On the backside of the rock there is a big school of jackfish we see often. Also the seal monachus monachus was seen here already couple of times.